Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Backordered Lines

Steps to follow for Backordered lines in OM Shipping

1. Check in Shipping Transaction Form, make sure the order still in “Ready to Release”

2. There might be a lot of possibilities for this problem:
i) Order on hold
ii) Do not have enough qty
iii) Lot expired
iv) Wrong reservation (even inventory have enough qty)
v) Inventory reserved for other orders.
vi) Inventory picked up by other orders
vii) Previously return to stock not done properly.

3. Check the order type in Shipping Transaction Form - Detail > Source
    Or go to WMS Control Board > Picking
    Or go to OM Shipping View

4. Go to Material Workbench to check if the lot has expired or not having enough inventory for this order.

5. We can also check if any lot is reserved for other order as well.

6. In Material Work Bench, go check for each lot in the physical locator by clicking on the “Attribute” button. (lot level reservation)

7. Alternatively, go to Shipping Transaction Form - OM Shipping View, or go to “Lot Number” (Ctrl + L), click on Attribute column to check the SO reservation of the lot.

8. Compare the SO info with the order that are having problem.

9. Go to “Reserve Supply” form (Ctrl + L) to check if the order is wrongly reserved.

10. In the “Reserve Supply form, we can check if the qty is being picked up by other order as well. (order level reservation regardless of lot)

11. Also, can go to Material Workbench > Availability, to check for the available to reserve. It might have high possibility that the qty is taken up by order with different line, or other orders which have been auto launched. If this is the case, must do the backorder using below steps
- Go to Transact Move Order Form tab “Pick Wave” > View/Update allocation > Lot/Serial.
- Click on the checkbox for order which need to be backordered, then go to Tool ® Back Order Line.

12. Ask the user if the order has done return to stock previously. If yes, it might has high possibility that the return to stock not done properly.

13. Check the lot state, must be in “Resides in inventory”.

14. Check in Material Workbench to see if the lot is still packed with LPN or not.

15. Check also if the lot is in physical locator rather than logical locator.

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