Friday, September 10, 2010

Dynamic Detection Of Column Names In PL/SQL

The sys package dbms_sql can be used to get the column names from a SQL query statement.
This is shown in the PL/SQL block below where the column names are detected for a query and
printed using dbms_output.

l_col_count number;
l_col_descs dbms_sql.desc_tab;
l_cursor number;
l_statement varchar2(50);
l_table_name varchar2(50);


-- Define the table name
l_table_name := 'scott.bonus';
-- Build the SQL statement
l_statement := 'select * from ' || l_table_name;
-- Open a new cursor
l_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
-- Parse the SQL statement
( c => l_cursor
, statement => l_statement
, language_flag => dbms_sql.native

-- Describe the columns of the cursor
( c => l_cursor
, col_cnt => l_col_count
, desc_t => l_col_descs

-- Output the results: Header
( 'Description of table ' ||
l_table_name ||
) ;

-- Output the results: Column names

for i in 1..l_col_count
( 'column ' ||
to_char(i) ||
': name=' ||
end loop;



Description of table scott.bonus:

column 1: name=ENAME
column 2: name=JOB
column 3: name=SAL
column 4: name=COMM

1 comment:

  1. I really like your post. You have collected lot of information about the given topic. This post helps you understand concept of dynamic detection of column names in PL/SAL. The code given is simple and easy to understand. Thanks for your post.


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