We can register custom application tables using a PL/SQL routine in the AD_DD package. Below are the Procedures in the AD_DD Package
Procedure register_table
(p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2,
p_tab_type in varchar2,
p_next_extent in number default 512,
p_pct_free in number default 10,
p_pct_used in number default 70);
Procedure register_column
(p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2,
p_col_name in varchar2,
p_col_seq in number,
p_col_type in varchar2,
p_col_width in number,
p_nullable in varchar2,
p_translate in varchar2,
p_precision in number default null,
p_scale in number default null);
Procedure delete_table
(p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2);
Procedure delete_column
(p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2,
p_col_name in varchar2);
Parameter Description
The application short name of the application that owns the table (usually your custom application).
The name of the table (in uppercase letters).
Use 'T' if it is a transaction table (almost all application tables), or 'S' for a "seed data" table (used only by Oracle Applications products).
The percentage of space in each of the table's blocks reserved for future updates to the table (1-99). The sum of p_pct_free and p_pct_used must be less than 100.
Minimum percentage of used space in each data block of the table (1-99). The sum of p_pct_free and p_pct_used must be less than 100.
The name of the column (in uppercase letters).
The sequence number of the column in the table (the order in which the column appears in the table definition).
The column type ('NUMBER', 'VARCHAR2', 'DATE', etc.).
The column size (a number). Use 9 for DATE columns, 38 for NUMBER columns (unless it has a specific width).
Use 'N' if the column is mandatory or 'Y' if the column allows null values.
Use 'Y' if the column values will be translated for an Oracle Applications product release (used only by Oracle Applications products) or 'N' if the values are not translated (most application columns).
The next extent size, in kilobytes. Do not include the 'K'.
The total number of digits in a number.
The number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number
This post describes how to register Table in APPS. I have to say that the method is not easy although I can see the logic is not very difficult but the code for implementation is not the simplest one. If you find any other method of doing it then share it with us.
ReplyDeleteThis post explains table registration in APPS. The steps given in this post are easy. You can easily understand then and follow. I find your post useful. Although I take time to learn them but I get the logic behind it. Thanks.